You are a mountain lover and you would like to immortalize the most beautiful moments.
But it is not so easy to highlight all the beauty of nature and especially mountain landscapes and you are often disappointed when you look at your photos, because they do not reflect the magical moment you have experienced.
What you need to know is that it isnot enough to have a powerful camera to make beautiful pictures, the magic of a photo also comes from many other parameters than the pure and simple technique.
Here are 8 tips to capture moments and photograph the mountain in a magical way.
1. Conduct research
To find a subject to photograph, you can of course go to search landscapes, bag on your back and camera around your neck.
But in practice, you will probably have to go out a lot to find the subject and the point of view you are looking for to put on paper what you have in your head.
One technique to be more sure to find what you are looking for and not venture out blindly is to start by searching Google image and Google Earth.
These two tools will allow you to find the subject and more or less locate the point of view to take it with its best profile.
Once you are there, let yourself go with your feelings and don't necessarily try to imitate what you have seen on these applications.
2. Make yourself available
To capture successful mountain photos, you also have to catch the right moment.
After the rain for a greener nature or on the contrary after several dry days for a more arid landscape.
Just after the storm or snowfall, with or without the sun...
In short, according to your desires of landscape, you will not target the same weather conditions.
To get what you want, you have to be vigilant and keep an eye on the weather forecast.
But as we know, in the mountains, the weather changes quickly, so to get the right picture, you have to be available on a very short notice, ideally 24 to 48 hours in advance.

3. Adapt the location to your possibilities
Do you dream of photographing the highest summits ?
Remember to adapt the level of your excursions to your possibilities.
Start with low-tech, accessible hikes; you will increase your level with time and experience.
You may be surprised at the magnificent shots that can be obtained from accessible viewpoints, if the moment is well chosen.
4. Do not put yourself in danger
Don't worry, you don't have to go over the top or rappel down a cliff to get a great mountain photo.
So I advise you to never put yourself in danger to take your picture.
It is better to change your point of view than to take unwise risks.
On the other hand, don't be afraid to go off the beaten path, while remaining vigilant of course.
It is most often not by staying on the marked hiking trail (if there is one) that you will manage to catch the most beautiful images.
5. Keeping an eye out
Going out with a lens is essential, but it is also very important to keep an eye out.
It is by remaining attentive to what surrounds you that you can have the most beautiful photos.
By not keeping your eyes glued to your shoes and your GPS, you will be able to perceive things that you could not capture while walking on the digital images.
Unexpected points of view that open up new perspectives.
Nature is in perpetual movement, so you should not stop only at what Google images show you, frozen at a moment T.
You must remain open to your surroundings and listen to your feelings and emotions in the moment.

6. Take the time
There you go, you've found a point of view, the moment seems perfect.
You quickly pull out your camera and start shooting to capture the moment. STOP!
Take the time to get your equipment out, set it up and adjust it properly.
Take the time to set up with the right angle, to take care of the framing, the perspectives and the proportions.
Test in different positions.
Don't rush for fear of missing the moment.
Of course, it is important not to waste time. When the time seems right, there's no need to look any further.
As they say "the best is the enemy of the good" and it would be a shame to let the moment slip away.
But don't waste this precious moment by rushing.
7. Try to be creative and do new things
Photography is above all art, and art is creation.
To immortalize the mountain, don't hesitate to be creative, to do tests.
Play with nature, with the different planes. Shadows and lights, lines, curves, colors and contrasts are all elements you can play with to create your own images.
8. Be persistent
The last but not least tip is to stay persistent.
Don't think you'll get the perfect photo on the first outing.
If you are lucky, it is possible, but you will probably have to make many attempts to get photos as you imagine them.
Don't be discouraged, and above all continue to appreciate all that nature has to offer, because being in love with your subject is the key to success.