In the vibrant heart of the Chablais, Thomas Crauwels captures the very essence of these mountains that transcend borders between France and Switzerland. His photographs, imbued with this geographical singularity, reveal summits like the Cornettes de Bise and the Dent d'Oche, majestic figures and guardians of this territory.
For Thomas, each peak, each ridge, becomes the narrator of a thousand-year-old story, that of a wild nature where man is only a passing guest. Thomas 's aim is not to tame these giants of stone and snow, but to understand and respect them, and above all, to share their ephemeral beauty with the world.
Through his eyes, the Chablais is more than just a mountain region; it's a realm where the spectacular and the sublime meet, where light plays with shadows to sculpt landscapes of rare intensity. Each of Thomas 's works is an ode to these peaks, where the elegance of the relief blends with the brutal force of the elements, offering a unique vision of the Chablais, a bridge between heaven and earth.