The imperial crown of Zinal
About the work
Behold this exceptional journey. From the Weisshorn, the ridges guide us to the most majestic summits . Then our gaze meets the lord of the shadows: the Matterhorn. This mountain is my muse, my deepest inspiration. But I have to admit that, in this panoramic photograph, the other peaks impress me just as much with their presence.
Who can fail to be moved by such a landscape? Cut off from the human world, nature alone reigns supreme. Devoid of all human traces, I'm here to reveal to you the beauty of a universe between heaven and earth. These mountains seem perfectly placed, in absolute harmony. So close and so far away at the same time, the summits each tell their own story: the story of their creation, the story of their most famous ascents. I've had the privilege of climbing all the summits of the Imperial Crown. One day, perhaps, I'll be able to traverse the entire mountain via the ridges? High mountains are alive, and it's up to us to forge a personal bond with them.

print art

Limited Edition

Certificate and Signature
suggestions from Thomas Crauwels
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