Imperial Crown
Dreamlike Odyssey among the Mountains
About the work
I'm very moved by this work because I've been lucky enough to climb every one of these mountains. After long hours of effort, I remember the joy I felt when I reached summit on the Matterhorn. With a last breath, I touched the cross on its crest, thanking the heavens for allowing me to experience this unique moment. I then crossed the summit ridge, proud of my every step and admiring the breathtaking beauty of the panorama before me. Paroxysm of happiness. To be at one with nature, pure and wild, and at the same time to realize how insignificant man is in the face of the power of the elements.
This photographic masterpiece, timeless and out of this world, highlights the immensity and grandeur of the Alps. I set myself the challenge of transcribing the power of the mountains through gentle contrasts. And the magic works. A magnificent, bewitching mountain that stirs my soul. That day, as the storm blew away towards other horizons, the clouds covered the valleys, adding extraordinary depth to the work. The photograph becomes an ode to travel among the most beautiful summits of the Alps. From the top of the Matterhorn, the eye sails through the heart of the imperial crown to dock at bernese alps. The work seems to come from a world where men do not exist. Only the Matterhorn cross betrays the passage of human beings into this fairytale world, on the border between earth and sky.

print art

Limited Edition

Certificate and Signature
suggestions from Thomas Crauwels
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