Sublime Simplicity
About the work
I took this portrait in spring, when the mountain had just weathered a violent snowstorm. The power of the elements, against which we can do nothing. The sun shines brightly down on the eastern slope of Pizzo Bianco, while the wind continues to sweep away the freshly-dressed snow. On the other side of the ridge, it's time for silence. Nestled in the shadows, the rock face seems to have been spared by the storm. The mountain reveals a double face. Duality of a world beyond that of man. The yin and yang of a flamboyant yet mysterious nature. Two sides of the same reality, united by the fabulous Biancograt, with its perfect aesthetics. The graphic power of the painting is astonishing. Close to abstraction, yet vibrant with vitality, the work overwhelms me with emotion. The Biancograt vigorously carries us up to the sky, our souls willing and our hearts full of hope.

print art

Limited Edition

Certificate and Signature
suggestions from Thomas Crauwels
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