About the work
In the heart of winter 2020, a storm rages. In the middle of the night, violent winds sweep across the two summits . At dawn, the mountains are hidden behind mist. Suddenly, the two iconic peaks pierce the darkness. A stream of clouds rolls over the rock, transporting us into a mystical world. Side by side, the two Muverans are adorned in their silvery finery. The sun illuminates their most beautiful faces. As I contemplate this extraordinary scene, I see a timeless tableau. The work is alive; the clouds are transformed into a sea of flames, braving the icy wind.
In this black-and-white photograph, there are no 4,000-metre-high summits or glistening glaciers. Just two mountains rising to 3051 metres and 2810 metres above sea level. Yet their beauty is no less. You just have to be there, in the right place at the right time, to capture the purity and power of nature. Waiting to reveal beauty to the world is one of the secrets of my art, the one that gives soul to each of my photographs.

print art

Limited Edition

Certificate and Signature
suggestions from Thomas Crauwels
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